beegy Box and Service Solution

Innovative solutions for a networked future

beegy Box Energy manager + AC-Box + ComKit


Die beegy Box, bestehend aus ComKit inklusive Energiemanager (Gateway) und AC-Box, ermöglicht eine intelligente Vernetzung und Steuerung aller Energiekomponenten im privaten Haushalt. Das fortschrittliche Heim Energie Management System in Kombination mit unserem Webportal eröffnet Ihren Kund:innen den Zugang zu einer einzigartigen Servicewelt. Die beegy Box erleichtert die Integration von Photovoltaiksystemen, Wärmepumpen und Elektromobilität. Wir machen diese effizienter, ohne die technische Komplexität zu erhöhen. 

The beegy HEMS - Our home energy management system

The HEMS acts as a central control unit that intelligently networks energy components such as photovoltaic systems, heat pumps, battery storage and charging stations for electric vehicles.
Our home energy management system also enables your end customers to keep an eye on both the energy flows in the household and the cost-effectiveness of the solutions at all times.
In addition, services can be booked and controlled using our self-developed web portal.
The intelligent algorithms optimize energy consumption and adapt it to the user’s needs.
Any faults or performance losses are immediately detected and reported by the system.
In this way, faults can be avoided at best or rectified as quickly as possible.
Our regular software updates via the internet ensure that the systems are always up to date and function optimally.


Our services for your end customers

Web portal

Das Webportal als Schnittstelle zwischen dem Energiemanager (Gateway) und den Anlagenkomponenten bietet eine Echtzeitüberwachung und -steuerung der Energieströme, wodurch Nutzer:innen jederzeit den aktuellen Status einsehen und steuern können. 

Technical monitoring

Technical monitoring enables faults to be detected and rectified at an early stage, thereby increasing the reliability of the energy systems.

Load management

Load management prevents the house fuse from being overloaded by intelligently controlling and prioritizing energy consumption. The targeted control of energy flows ensures that the available energy reserves are used optimally.

Surplus loading and heating

The surplus electricity from photovoltaic systems is efficiently to cover the electricity requirements of the heat pump or to charge electric vehicles utilized.

Price-optimized charging (coming soon)

By using dynamic electricity tariffs, users can further reduce their energyfurther reduce their energy costs by scharging their electric car at times when electricity prices are low.

Integration options into the beegy HEMS

The products listed here are part of our product portfolio and are therefore compatible with our beegy HEMS and have already been installed many times.
Other products from other manufacturers can also be easily integrated into our HEMS at a later date.

Heat pumps

  • NIBE
  • tecalor
  • Daikin


  • Sungrow Hybrid SH
  • KOSTAL Plenticore G2
  • KOSTAL Plenticore G3 – coming soon
  • Fronius Symo GEN24
  • Goodwe ET Plus GW

Battery storage

  • Sungrow SBR

Charging stations

  • Spelsberg Smart Pro 11 kW
  • KEBA: KeContact P30 – x-series & c-series


  • TCP/RTU mode
  • SG-Ready
  • OCPP

Welcome to the beegy!
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